Camelias VET

It’s important to deworm your pets



It is vital to protect dogs and cats from parasites


It is vital to protect dogs and cats from parasites such as fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, which proliferate in warm, humid climates and can transmit serious diseases. Basically, there are two general types of parasites in pets:

Internal parasites (endoparasites): worms and protozoa that live inside the animal’s body, affecting organs such as intestines, heart and lungs.

External parasites: Insects that can infect pets when they go outdoors and come into contact with other animals or infested areas.


There are several types. Among them are:

💢  Heartworm. This is the most common internal parasite and can be life threatening if left unchecked. It is transmitted through the bite of a carrier mosquito. Symptoms include fatigue, exercise intolerance, lack of appetite, coughing, rapid breathing, bleeding, anemia, and scratching….

💢 Ascaris lumbricoides (Pinworm). This parasite lives in the intestines and is spread by ingestion of eggs shed from the feces of infected animals. Dogs can have these parasites without showing symptoms, but in intense infestations or in puppies with low defenses, they can present diarrhea, vomiting, thinning, abdominal swelling, pain, anemia, weakness or blood in the stool.

💢 Tapeworms. They need an intermediate host such as a flea, bird or certain rodents to complete their life cycle and can be transmitted to our animals through these hosts. Tapeworm infestation is usually detected when segments of worms are found in the feces, which look like small grains of rice.


There are several types. Among them are:

💢 Lice. These ectoparasites affect birds and mammals, causing chronic dermatitis in pets. They adhere to the hair, depositing their eggs near the skin and are transmitted by contact between animals.

💢 Fleas. Small wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals. They cause itching and discomfort, and can transmit diseases such as allergic dermatitis and anemia, especially in puppies and small cats.

💢 Ticks. Carriers of dangerous diseases such as babesiosis and Lyme disease. Their bites can cause irritation and infection of the pet’s skin, and severe infestations can lead to anemia, weight loss, paralysis and even death.

💢 Mites. Small parasites that can invade the fur of animals, feeding on their blood and causing intense itching, burning and discomfort. They can also cause various diseases.

👌 How to protect your pets

To protect our pets, preventive treatments and veterinary control are necessary. Establish an appropriate deworming program for your pet.

Among the most effective options to protect is the use of antiparasitic collars or pipettes that release repellent and insecticidal substances that prevent the contact of parasites, offering protection against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Another option is to use pills, which fight both external and internal parasites and are usually administered by veterinarians every month or quarter.

Of course, it is vital to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness with your pet. Keep your pet’s environment clean, including bedding and play areas, to reduce the risk of infestation.